Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Quantum theory

Quantum Theory is an upcoming fantasy shooter by tecmo for the PS3 and 360. It looks pretty interesting although parallels have been drawn to gears of war gameplay-wise.

The two main characters are pictured above. Syd is the boy and the character you control and felina is an AI controlled co-op who you can fling (?) at opponents. The idea seems kinda silly and really is when you see it in motion. Hopefully there is more to her than just an extra weapon in syd's aresonal.
Anyway in terms of design Syd  looks fairly badass albeit maybe a bit dull and boring. The gun thing attached to his hand is a nice touch. When i first saw felina it was in the first picture (up top) and i thought she looked really cool with her almost elf-inspired armor and looks. However upon looking at her full body she also seems a bit boring. I'm definitley loving the weapons though.

Here's hoping for some alternate outfits, if it was team ninja making it I would be expecting it but i will not be holding my breath.

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